Thursday, February 24, 2011

To think about colleges...

Well.. hell week seems to be over and things are mostly back to normal with just a few additions to the routine. One day at a time is the current rule of the house. I'd love to slow down time if I could and this last few days of mail has made that desire even stronger.

Allie has received multiple letters and such from colleges saying pretty much "Hey.. look at us!" It's shocking to think that it is only a couple years from now that she will be attending college. I can't help but hope she chooses and is choosen by something close enough that we get to see her on a regular basis. She already is busy enough in high school that we only get a couple hours at most with her during the week and sometimes only that during the weekend. Slowly but surely she is growing up and growing away like all kids will.. I just hope she is never too far away or at least never too busy to keep in touch. A day without her laughter or her goofiness would be a sad day indeed.

And still on the subject of her.. she has a boyfriend now. How odd it is to think of my daughter.. my little girl.. holding some boys hand. Some boy I don't know yet. Admittedly.. her first boyfriend showed she had good taste. Brian is a sweetheart that I am glad to know through her. This new boy is also a part of the band (he plays trumpet) and a member of ROTC. She wants to invite him over to dinner so we can meet him. Fun fun!

*sighs* Time just goes way too fast..

Sunday, February 20, 2011

One long week..

Yes... it is finally Sunday and it has been one looooong week. Monday, unless anything else happens, all children will be back in school and I can get back to what had been my normal routine. Get up early to get the kids out the door and snag a nap once everyone is gone. Then it's back up and Wii fit time. 40 or so minutes later and it's time to get ready to head out to run errands. Tomorrows include going to Hobby Lobby and Walmart down in Rock Hill. I'll head home with plenty of time to grab a bite to eat and maybe get some things done before Jamie gets home at 2:40pm and the homework starts.

As for this week, I'm not sure if I am ready to put into type some of it. I'm still a floored somewhat. It's hard to share the really bad things when they come up because you feel so guilty and responsible for them that you don't want your friends to know. That, and putting it into writing (or in this case typing) somehow makes it even more real than just living it. It says, "This happened in our lives," to the world instead of just to our small circle.

To say the very least, my heart is hurting alot and it's going to take some time to be able to not have these issues adding to my lack of sleep at night. I will leave the why's for another post, when I am more ready to share it. For now, I just hope that next week is better and that we as a family can start to heal the wounds this last week opened.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friday.. thank God.

Yes.. that's right... if all stays queit I will have survived this horrid week. Tomorrow is Friday!!! My patience has been severly tested recently by squabbles and general crankiness. From the start of this week, which I'm still not ready to openly share, to the youngest with the flu and a schedule that seems to just be getting fuller and fuller, I am truly looking foward to the weekend and maybe some moments of quiet.

Even if I have to lock the entire family in their rooms!


I think poor John may find himself alone with the kids for at least an hour this weekend while I go upstairs and lock myself in the bathroom for a nice long, relaxing bath. Hot water, maybe a glass of wine, and a good book.

But still.. there is Friday to get through. On top of poor Jamie being home still.. I have to go get her missed schoolwork (which means I have left the house every day this week.. not a normal occurance), there is Allie staying late at school for writers club and music, and an appointment at 7pm that I wasn't planning on going to but now seems I can't stay home for. Somehow I have to fit dinner in, likely early with Allie eating leftovers. AND... Serena is aware of where we are going at 7pm and is already making comments against it. *sighs*

I tease John that I am going to purposefully have a nervous breakdown so that I can have a vacation, but to be honest.. man could I use one!

On a cheerful note.. I reconnected with two people that I have some very very fond memories of on facebook. I am tickled to be able to chat with them again and see how they are and where their lives have taken them.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


It's 8:08pm and I'm sitting here waiting for John to get home with Jamie. I finally found a place that could see her but the appointment was at 7pm. John was late getting home, Serena had her tutoring.. so I ended up having to take Serena while John took Jamie. I'm not use to being the one not there at the doctor's with whichever kid is being looked at. I am so use to being that person that it actually worries and bothers me to just be sitting here waiting. I've never been very good at not knowing.

I know.. it may all seem silly when it is something as simple as possible strep.. but we all have our odd quirks I suppose.


It's Wed and this week continues to make my head hurt. First two days I had one child home. This morning Jamie was still complaining of a very bad sore throat and she had a light fever. Normal school policy is if they have a fever at all they want you to keep them at home. So, I sent the other three off to school and called our clinic but, as the week would have it, they have no spots at all and that seems to be the theme of the day. That our "our doctor is out with the flu." *sighs*

Now, instead of getting her in to be seen I will just play doctor mom but even that I can't just stay at home and do. Serena left a science project at home that she needs me to take to her and I need to go get some sick supplies. I swear that valentines day almost every year brings about some bad news or at least normally starts a week of sick kids or parents. I am seriously considering boycotting the whole damn week next year. Maybe that would make for a wonderfully nice and peaceful time. No flowers, no chocolates, no dinners, no saying "Happy Valentines" and maybe I'll have no emergency school calls, no fevers, no hurt limbs, no forgotten homework. Instead, maybe I will get to do my normal chores around the house and the exercising that I have been trying to to every day. Yeah.. even that has been shot this week. There just isn't anytime to work off the belly!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blah! Again I say BLAH!

So, wow, what a week so far and it's only freaking Tuesday! Now, I won't go into what has been going on Monday and Tuesday because it's a bit too personal for some involed to be just blurting it out to whomever decides to follow this and read it. I will say that again Valentine's day ended up being more stressful than anything. Credit where it is due though.. John did get me a singing valentine. I got one last year too but this year my father-in-law was one of the 4 of the barbershop quartet that came to the door and my mother-in-law was here as well! Amusingly I'm not sure if I was more embarrassed this year or last but it was still great to hear good music sung acapella at my door and to get a rose. :P

But.. as I was saying.. Monday and Tuesday.. wow.. just wow. And just as Tuesday couldn't get much more stressful from the above mentioned unmentionable.. the school calls at the last moment before they are loading the buses to say that Jamie is running a slight fever. Poor kid has a sore throat and a minor fever. Now it's a waiting game for the morning to see if she is worse or better. It may be off to the doctors with us tomorrow!

That's Monday out and busy.. Tuesday out and busy.. Wed may be at the doctors followed by Serena's french horn lessons which she at times likes and at times hates. Thursday is picking up Serena late because of anime club and then off to gymnastics (assuming Jamie isn't sick) and Friday night is again busy for unmentionable reasons. I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to the weekend or just dreading what else might happen. After all.. don't these things normally happen in 3's??

Ugh.. I'm going to bed before something else happens!